Leerdammer “The Panino Maker” to win a flight + hotel voucher worth 5,000 euros, to travel wherever and whenever you want!
Leerdammer “The Panino Maker” : win a flight+hotel voucher worth €5,000
Today we advise you to participate in Leerdammer competition as there are three flight+hotel discount vouchers worth €5,000.00 each .
The voucher can be spent for a destination of your choice on the online portal www.private.viaggiagratis.com
To participate in the Leerdammer contest "The Sandwich Maker" you must connect to the following page by 15 July 2015. Once you have entered the Leedammer contest , click on Play, choose a character and, after completing the registration, prepare the sandwich perfect using the proposed ingredients. You must be able to prepare a perfect sandwich to be eligible to participate in the draw for flight+hotel vouchers worth €5,000 .
Good luck to all aspiring paninari!