Tag Archives: czech republic

Prague: nightlife and clubs

Nightlife Prague: When the evening lights go down, the face of Prague is transformed and shows its wildest side! The Czech capital is able to offer entertainment for all tastes: The choice ranges from the numerous discos, pubs and coctkail bars, to the famous Pub Crawls (real guided alcoholic tours through the streets of Prague!), Up to the wide choice of clubs for adults and strip clubs. Here are the best clubs in Prague to spend memorable evenings!

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The best cities to celebrate New Year's Eve

Are you tired of spending New Year's Eve always in the same places? Do you dream of celebrating New Year's Eve abroad, perhaps in a beautiful European capital? We have compiled for you a list of the best cities to celebrate New Year's Eve in Europe and in the world, events, where to party in a disco or simply toast with friends!

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