Prepare your trip to Australia: the best bars and clubs and how to apply for a visa

A trip to the other side of the world cannot be improvised. If you're planning a trip down under , it's important to make a list of your priorities when visiting the country. In this article we tell you which cities have the best nightlife in Australia. On the other hand, you should not forget important details, such as applying for your Australia visa on time. Fortunately, thanks to the Australia e-Visa application process which takes place entirely online, it is a very simple step.


Melbourne is one of the great Australian capitals, with a rich nightlife and a casual and relaxed style both in the atmosphere and in the way of dressing. One of the busiest areas is Fitzroy. Here you will find numerous bars and open-air concerts. If you're looking for discos, rooftop bars and nightclubs, stay in the city center and visit places like the Laundrybar, which offers live music and whose entrance is actually a laundromat.


Sydney's nightlife is more glamorous and sophisticated than Melbourne's. The city offers some of the best restaurants and some of the most exclusive clubs in the country. The port area is very well known and tends to be full of smartly dressed people drinking cocktails and dancing in the bars from dusk to dawn. If you want a more informal setting, you can always head to the Bondi Beach area, which offers a more relaxed beach atmosphere.


The Gold Coast is not only a great place for surfing, but also offers countless world-class clubs and discos where you can dance until the early hours of the morning. Start the evening at Tha Beery, where you can sing and dance to R 'n' B, and then head to the Orchid Avenue area, which is lined with popular bars like Sin City and Cocktails Nightclub. Other interesting venues are the Miami Marketta (for live music) or the Boom Elsewhere Bar (where you can listen to the best DJs).


CAIRNS, Queensland 

The beautiful coastal city of Cairns, also in Queensland, boasts some of Australia's best nightlife and is a favorite destination for backpackers and low-budget travellers. The choice of venues is rich and varied: karaoke, bars, discos and lounges where you can drink champagne. Among the most famous clubs are the Elixir Music Bar, The Woolshed, Nomads or The Calypso.



Now that you know which areas to visit for fun, start organizing the administrative details of your trip . One of the most important steps is undoubtedly applying for a visa for Australia in time. Many travellers, in fact, forget this important detail and plan their transoceanic trip without thinking about requesting this very important document without which it is not possible to enter the country. Fortunately, the application process is very simple and can be done entirely online. Simply fill out an online form, pay for the visa and send a digital ID photo. In a few hours you will receive your Australia e-visa by email and you will be able to travel with complete peace of mind.